A Healthier You, One Step at a Time

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  • Nutrition Month Special (up to 10% off)

    Nutrition Month Special (up to 10% off)

    Nutrition Counselling with Jan Stephens, R.D

    Promoting a healthy relationship with food and whole food choices, Jan will individualize food plans for digestive, metabolic and chronic diseases, encouraging lower carbs, healthy fats & proteins to improve lean body mass, and she will provide guidance for microbiome & Fodmap Diet if needed. Suggest testing your DNA with nutrigenomics to tailor a diet specifically for you, become aware of your genetic predispostion and compensate for it now! Encouraging healthy lifestyle with adquate fluid, fibre, sleep and physical fitness & weight control.

    Counselling by a Registered Dietitian is covered by most medical plans, consider making an appointment soon!


    604 741-7307

  • Coverage for Registered Dietitian Consults

    I was super surprised today to see that Pacific Blue Cross has added coverage for Registered Dietitians, it seems that coverage is now available with most medical plans!!

    Congratulations to Pacific Blue Cross for seeing the value of Dietitian services!

  • Vegan Plant Based Jello!

    Vegan Plant Based Jello!

    So pleased to find a plant based jellow for making my Trifle for Christmas so that everyone can eat it. First I went to our health food store and they suggested checking on-line, then I went to our local IGA, and there it was in a variety of flavours & the original unflavoured!!!

    Vegan Plant Based Jello!: Vegan jello 2 rotated e1703204390480

    The thickener they are using is carrageenan and sweetener is stevia (natural) and erythritol (an alcohol sweetener on the market.

    There is also an unflavoured Plant Based Jel which is sugar free.

    Simply Delish Sugar Free Plant-Based Jel

  • Nutrigenomix Black Friday Sale 50% off                         (extended until Dec 8th)

    Nutrigenomix Black Friday Sale 50% off (extended until Dec 8th)

    Canadian-based DNA specific genetic testing for nutrition-targeted personalized nutrition that can be linked to actionable nutrition goals to improve your overall health and well being.

    Nutrigenomix tests 70 food related genetic markers, based on robust scientific evidence. These genes are associated with your nutient absorption, metabolism, excretion, taste and smell preferences. For example research has linked a slow vs fast metabolizer caffeine gene to higher risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and even diabetes.

    Other chronic disease-associated genes indicate whether you are more prone to lose weight or percent body fat on a high protein diet or more likely to elevate your “bad” cholesterol if you eat saturated fat.

    Additionaly, the DNA test includes nutrient metabolism of magnesium, zinc and Vit E, Vit A,B,C, D, folate, choline, calcium, omega 3/6, whole grains, sodium,nand looks at inflammatory markers, methylation, hunger regulation, ability to maintain weight loss, sleep duration, alcohol sensitivity, cholesterol sensitivity, fasting glucose and insulin levels, risk for low bone mass or achilles tendon injury, risk for between meal snacking or sugar preference, ability to taste fat in foods, risk for glucose and lactose intolerance etc,

    Research have shown that genetic testing improves clients likelihood of making actionable dietary changes and maintaining these changes for a longer period of time.

    The price of a nutrigenomix test including the nutrition analysis, diet plan and follow up is $399.00 until Dec 1st, after which it will be $599.00!

  • Take Care of Yourself!

    Autumn is here and its time to focus on your health!

    Book an appointment for a nutrition assessment now to take advantage of reduced fall prices!

    Jan has helped clients lose (or gain) weight by improving their nutritional intake, lowering blood cholesterol, sugars and pressure, solving gut dysbiosis (low fodmap diets) and encouraging more plant-based foods. Take steps to improve your health now!

    Book an appointment, call 604 741-7307 or e-mail: jan@cornerstonenutrition.ca!

    Take Care of Yourself!: Picture1
  • Fall Special for Nutrition Counselling

    After taking a breather in the summer, having sailing adventures & family gatherings, my counselling office at Coast Physiotherapy will open Mid-September.

    I was hoping to acquire an In-Body scale that measures lean body mass, so important for strength, bone density, longevity etc.. But it looks like this will be on my wish list, and I will have to continue using the handheld Omron bioelectric impedance method.

    Fall Special prices:

    Cornerstone Nutrition, Healthier You, One Step at a Time:

    Nutrition Counselling (60min) + report + nutrition care plan with 2 weeks e-mail follow up: $175.00

    Follow Up Nutrition Visits (30 min) with report and 2 weeks e-mail follow up: $90

    Starters Special: Nutrition Counselling (60 min) + report + nutrition care plan + follow up visit (total of 4 weeks e-mail follow included) $230.00

    Office hours: Tuesday& Wednesdays, 1:00-4:00pm In-Person or Virtual (as required)

    Please contact me at 604 741-7307 or e-mail jan@cornerstonenutrition.ca

  • Fee Increase: there will be an increase in prices for Nutrition Assessment and Services effective July 1, 2023

    New Assessment: 1:1 or on-line 60 minute interview including 2 weeks on-line follow up $150.00

    New Assessment: 1:1 or on-line, 60m minute interview & individualized meal plan including 2 weeks on-line follow up $200.00

    Follow Up (30 min with 2 weeks e-mail) $95.00

    Starter Package (60 minute assessment + 30 minute follow up session plus individualized meal plan $265.00

    Family Nutrition Counselling with follow up (prices vary)

    Nutrigenomix Package (DNA testing for specific food related recommendations) with report and individualized meal plan $600.00

  • Harvesting Eggplant: Eggplant and Potato Moussaka

    Harvesting Eggplant: Eggplant and Potato Moussaka: Moussaka

    Harvested my first crop of Eggplant (3 small eggplants) in various phases of ripeness. Have to use them up so decided to cook a favourite Greek recipe, Moussaka and the results turned out very tasty, will try again!

    Sliced 3 eggplants and 5 potatoes, mixing with olive oil on baking sheet, baked at 400 degrees for 20 min.

    Prepared a meat sauce with garlic and swiss chard, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, bay leaf, cinnamon stick and simmered for 20 minutes.

    Made the Bechamel Sauce with 1% milk, roux, 1 egg yolk and grated parmesan cheese.

    Layered in a greased casserole dish – sliced potato, then egg plant, then meat sauce and lastly bechamel sauce, topped with grated cheese, baked at 350 for 55 minutes.

    Low fat, lean beef and cheese, healthy eggplant and swiss chard, good source of calcium with the bechamel sauce, only 1 egg yolk, yield: 6 servings. Could replace the ground beef with veggie round to make vegetarian,

    Definitely will cook this again!

  • Eating whole foods!

    Eating whole foods!: Freezing Blackberries individually
    • Is this so difficult, planting vegetables, picking berries or purchasing fruit from a farmer or local grocery market.  These are whole foods that will make your diet sparkle.

    • So simple to freeze these bountiful berries on a cookie sheet and transfer into a big freezer bag, preserving them for the dark winter days ahead… to top your breakfast cereal or add to a smoothie. 

    • These will add flavonoids, vitamins, fibre and flavour, help fight inflammation and boost the immune system!


    To celebrate Nutrition Month and encourage healthier ingredients and diet for tomorrow:

    NUTRITION MONTH: Nutrition Month 2022
    Nutrition Month 2022

    Cornerstone Nutrition is offering a 10% discount to all clients who book a new consult from  March 10-31, new office with Coast Physiotherapy at 5691 Mermaid, Sechelt, B.C., Hours of Work: Tue & Wed 1:00-4:00pm, please follow covid 19 restrictions! Call 604 741-7307 for appointment or e-mail at jan@cornerstonenutrition.ca

    NUTRITION MONTH: Coast Physiotherapy office
    Coast Physiotherapy office

    Jan Stephens, a registered dietitian and a certified diabetes educator, has been counselling on the coast for over 20 years and has experience with diabetes, heart & renal disease, reflux and GERD, GI problems, celiac and sports nutrition.  Please make an appointment to receive a tailored diet plan to maximize your health potential, a taxable expense and covered by some health plans