A Healthier You, One Step at a Time

Rhubarb Strawberry Cream Pie

Rhubarb Strawberry Cream Pie: IMG 9090
Rhubarb Strawberry Cream Pie: IMG 9099
Rhubarb Strawberry Cream Pie: IMG 9102

My husband has yearned for rhubarb strawberry pie. Since our garden rhubarb isn’t producing (will have to transfer to a sunny spot), he bought some rhubarb along with strawberries anticipating the master baker would come up with a brilliant recipe! First I checked my mother’s recipe list knowing it was a family favourite, then the internet and eventually adaped both for our guests, one with diabetes so used Truvia (baking form of stevia) for 50% of the sugar.

Voila, this is the product!

The crust was made with olive oil becel soft margarine. I know some of you will object, this has become an area of debate. Since I have a family history of heart disease, I’m opposed to using butter or coconut, known in the literature for elevating LDL cholesterol. My preference for a tender pastry is lard, however environmentally and because my guests are vegetarian, this is forbidden. So I settled for the Mediterranean alternative, yes …I have tried oil based pastries without much success. It wasn’t the most tender pastry because I always underestimate my fat, but it looks great. As well the bottom pastry was not soggy which is often the case with slow cooking pies, it too 1.5 hrs to cook!!!

The lattice pastry top was as per request from my husband.

Lovely flavour, without much sugar…not too sweet or too tart!!