Parmesan Roasted Garlic Green Pea Snap Crisps

First ingredient is green peas with about 27 ingredients when the sub-ingredients are included, highly refined!
Nutition-wise: high in protein, iron, and fibre, low in carbohydrate.
Perhaps it would be nicer to eat fresh snap peas with a dip or hummus!
While shopping in Safeway’s yesterday, was interested in their featured display; as I was commiserating, another shopper eager to get her spicy Harvest Snaps reached around me toppling a neighbouring display. I was quite surprised and commented that she must really love the product. She was happy to share her views on the variety of flavours available.
I decided on the parmesan roasted garlic because I was going to share with my husband who has an aversion to spicy foods.
The package weighs 85g and the portion size is 1/2 bag=50g. That would be a very large portion for me, the product tastes like cheesies. It has 29g carb with 8g fibre= only 21g available carb! There is 9 g fat, mostly canola oil which has a good balance of monounsaturated fat however many of my clients may be concerned about GMO’s. Only 150g sodium which is not too bad for a snack, and 9g protein, 20% iron, quite astounding for a snack.
But it is highly processed, thank goodness the first ingredient is green peas, but it has a total of ~27 ingredients when you include the sub-ingredients!
Do I think it’s a healthy snack…. well better than some chips and cheesies but there are better whole foods that one could choose… like snap peas alone or with dip or hummus!