A Healthier You, One Step at a Time

Cornerstone Nutrition finds permanent office space in Sechelt

New Sechelt Office for Cornerstone Nutrition

Open  Tue-Thurs 10:00-4:00 pm starting Feb 1st!  Location: Suite 105, 5700 Cowrie Street, Sechelt  Phone: 604 741-7307  E-mail: jan@cornerstonenutrition.ca  Website:  www.cornerstonenutrition.ca

Please make an appointment for a nutrition assessment, try me package: $125 include a 60  min session with the dietitian plus e-mail or phone follow up x 4 weeks.  Coverage for private counselling is often available on private insurance, consults are free for clients with diabetes controlled by insulin and for the months of January and February, clients with referrals to the hospital qualify for 25% discount!