A Healthier You, One Step at a Time

Category: Find me

  • Diabetes Education on the Sunshine Coast

    Devastated that diabetes education is no longer available on the Sunshine Coast, this was such a passion for me when I worked at Sechelt Hospital, and I’ve just discovered from Rami, that the hospital has stopped providing Diabetes Education Clinics since I left the hospital, in 2020.

    When I think of the hundreds of patients that went through the clinic annually, I realize what a barrier it must be to many to take the ferry into Vancouver, enroll in the diabetes classes and become certified. Certification relieves the expense of diabetes testing strips immensely.

    The Diabetes and Heart Smart clinics constituted 50% of my caseload there; fortunately the hospital has increased the dietitians hours, so overall, there may be better accessibility of dietitian services in the hospital.

    To clients who need diabetes services, and have health care coverage for a registered dietitian, although without the clinic, we can no longer give certification here, I am very knowledgeable of your needs, currently a diabetes insulin pump trainer so please contact me if you need help adjusting your insulin to your diet and exercise, many private health programs cover the services of a registered dietitian.


    To celebrate Nutrition Month and encourage healthier ingredients and diet for tomorrow:

    NUTRITION MONTH: Nutrition Month 2022
    Nutrition Month 2022

    Cornerstone Nutrition is offering a 10% discount to all clients who book a new consult from  March 10-31, new office with Coast Physiotherapy at 5691 Mermaid, Sechelt, B.C., Hours of Work: Tue & Wed 1:00-4:00pm, please follow covid 19 restrictions! Call 604 741-7307 for appointment or e-mail at jan@cornerstonenutrition.ca

    NUTRITION MONTH: Coast Physiotherapy office
    Coast Physiotherapy office

    Jan Stephens, a registered dietitian and a certified diabetes educator, has been counselling on the coast for over 20 years and has experience with diabetes, heart & renal disease, reflux and GERD, GI problems, celiac and sports nutrition.  Please make an appointment to receive a tailored diet plan to maximize your health potential, a taxable expense and covered by some health plans

  • Sechelt Office

  • New Sechelt office for Nutrition Consults

    New Sechelt office for Nutrition Consults: IMG 85674683 New Sechelt office for Nutrition Consults: IMG 85904681 e1579645960604Open soon:  February 4th,,

    Suite 105, 5700 Cowrie St, Sechelt


    10:00-4:00 pm


    Contact Jan at 604 7410-7301 for a consult or e-mail: jan@cornernstonenutrition.ca

    Tue, Feb 4, 5 & 6th,  free 10 minute consults 12:00-1:00  Learn more about what services are provided!  How can we help you?  Drop In, please wait in the front room, until Jan is available.

  • Cornerstone Nutrition finds permanent office space in Sechelt

    New Sechelt Office for Cornerstone Nutrition

    Open  Tue-Thurs 10:00-4:00 pm starting Feb 1st!  Location: Suite 105, 5700 Cowrie Street, Sechelt  Phone: 604 741-7307  E-mail: jan@cornerstonenutrition.ca  Website:  www.cornerstonenutrition.ca

    Please make an appointment for a nutrition assessment, try me package: $125 include a 60  min session with the dietitian plus e-mail or phone follow up x 4 weeks.  Coverage for private counselling is often available on private insurance, consults are free for clients with diabetes controlled by insulin and for the months of January and February, clients with referrals to the hospital qualify for 25% discount!