A Healthier You, One Step at a Time

Covid 19 Office closure, Zoom meeting effective for Nutrition Counselling!

Covid 19 Office closure, Zoom meeting effective for Nutrition Counselling!: zoom








Cornerstone Nutrition Offices have been closed for Nutrition Counselling since March 24th, for 6 weeks!

Nutrition counselling has been provided to clients exclusively with “Zoom” platform over the past six weeks, an easy to use and surprisingly effective platform.

If you are wanting to get a nutrition makeover, this is a great place to start, no need to travel, the  appointment happens from the comfort of your home!

Contact Jan by e-mail, jan@cornerstonenutrition.ca or phone 604 741-7307.

After you complete a nutrition questionnaire and establish a date and time for your 1 hr appointment, Jan will send you an invitation for your appointment.  Before the meeting, you will need to download zoom from https://zoom.us/download.  You can zoom from a phone, tablet or laptop!!

Covid 19 may be providing you an opportunity to set up a healthy nutrition plan for a cheaper cost, only $115 for a zoom appointment, .covers the 1 hr appointment and e-mail/texting follow up for one month.

Many patients find that their health plan covers the cost of seeing a Registered Dietitian or you can claim the cost as a health expense on your income tax.

Look forward to hearing from you!