A Healthier You, One Step at a Time

Glyphosates used as desiccating agents for wheat

Should we be concerned about glyphosates (found in roundup) it seems premature, Health Canada says that we would have to eat 36 loaves of bread per day for it to be a problems.  There are many theories explained at Paleomom website,relating glyphosates to the increased rate of celiac disease.  Sarah Ballantyne (PhD) postdoctorate at St. .Michael’s Hospital, goes through each one, it is doubtful any of them have caused an increased incidence of celiac disease.  The most plausible theory is associated with how gyphosates may compromise microbiome and the gut activity. With current literature on microbiome still developing, we are discovering the importance of species specific probiotics benefiting specific chronic diseases symptoms, I.e., IBS, Crohns, C.Difficile, etc..   Although Sarah’s website has some detailed scientific data and a wealth of knowledge, some of her generalizations aren’t true, ie., the gold standard of diagnosis of celiac disease is not genetic testing but intestinal biopsy.

Recently an Environmental Defence Canada study found traces of glyphosate in multiple children’s foods and snacks  The quantities of glyphosates found in food are very small fortunately, however I question why farmers  spray glyphosates on their crops within 2 weeks of harvest as a drying agent, why not use other agents? https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/weed-killing-chemical-found-in-pasta-cereal-and-cookies-sold-in-canada-study-1.4086615

The World Health Organization’s International Cancer Research Agency IARC declared that glyphosate is a “probable carcinogen”.

Over the past years, there has been repeated debate about the use of this herbicide and Health Canada has reviewed the use of glyphosates  over the past 7 years, nationally and internationally and the amount found in food is significantly below levels for concern, it has been used for 40 years and is part of our farmers toolbox,  it is allowed to be used as a desiccating agent on crops before harvest.  Repeatedly  Health Canada have found that glyphosates  use is safe, approved for another 15 years.

If you want to avoid glyphosates, you don’t have to go gluten free, Silver Hills, Natures Path and Bob’s Mill organic products will be free of glyphosates, in fact all organic products will be free of glyposates..

Personally for my Christmas, as my son is Celiac, we had a gluten free stuffing made with wild rice and GF bread, an excellent GF sponge cake as the base for our GF trifle,  and GF cranberry-orange shortbread  and a GF yam casserole made with GF flour and GF oats.  So it was a Gluten& Glyphosate Free Christmas for our family!