Now we have the “potato diet”. You too can lose 117lb in a year by eating only potatoes! Andrew Taylor from Australia the “Spud Fit Challenge” and is boasting about the virtues of the potato. He said that you can meet most of your nutritional needs with the potato, especially if you are overweight and have some stored nutrition to waste. He ate only potatoes, all day everyday for 1 year, with skim soymilk to mash, BBQ and sweet chili sauce to flavour, no exercise for the first month and then 90 min/day subsequent months, supplemented with Vit B12.
So I calculated that to encourage weight loss for myself, (-20 lb/yr) and meet most of my nutritional needs, I could eat 3 red potatoes, 3 russet potatoes and 4 sweet potatoes per day with 2 c soymilk to mash and 4 T chili sauce, 6 T BBQ sauce which would give me about 1600kcal per day, 42 g protein, 11 g fat, 342 g carbohydrate and 35 g fibre, it would meet most of my needs except calcium – 866 mg vs 1200; zinc 5.6 vs 8 and Vit D 5.8 vs 15 ug Vit D. |My immune system would suffer with a daily 10 g protein deficit but altogether better than I thought,
But I agree with Dr. Nadolsky’s (Taylor’s MD) assessment that the vegan diet is restrictive, the ketogenic very restrictive but the potato diet is one of the most restrictive diets available. There are many other healthier ways of losing weight.
Bring it on “Spud Fit Challenge”