A Healthier You, One Step at a Time

Renal Diet Maze

Renal Diet Maze: IMG 1474 e1519060432145A close friend has called on my skills to help him with navigating the maze of restrictions imposed with a renal diet. This was a sudden diagnosis and he is overwhelmed.
First of all, it is important for us all to keep our blood pressure optimally at 130/80, new guidelines to keep our kidneys functioning well. The dietary component which will keep your kidneys healthy includes restricting your salt and keeping your body weight close to target, which may vary depending on your genetics.
Secondly you want to stop smoking or if you are diabetic, you want to keep your blood sugars close to target.
Thirdly if your kidneys stop functioning, you may need to restrict your protein, this preserves kidney function, so the Paleo diet may not be a good choice but a vegetarian diet may also be a difficult choice.
When your kidneys fail, you often need to restrict you potassium- some of those loved fruits (bananas and oranges) and vegetables (tomatoes and potatoes)
Lastly the phosphate in your diet often becomes a problem, this mineral is often found in foods that we naturally choose because they are healthier
dairy, proteins, legumes, nuts, whole grains. There are phosphate binders that you may be prescribed.
The diet for chronic kidney failure in fact doesn’t seem very healthy but is important for your compromised kidney and your longevity.
This new publication has many of the details you need to learn about, including recipes with herbs and spices give more flavour to your food while restricting the salt (sodium). Its available at Gibson’s Library.
If you need help navigating this maze and want your diet analyzed, these are services that I provide, helping you to get on the right track!