For those of you that complain about not enjoying your favourite foods because you have diabetes or are celiac, I prove you wrong. My challenge for this christmas was to make a gluten free sponge cake and a sugar free trifle. Yes I cheated a bit and forgot to substitute the sugar with truvia, my favourite stevia based sugar substitite, in the gluten free sponge (the cake actually didn’t look great, fell after baking but this didn’t affect the flavour of the trifle), but was a purist for the rest of the recipe, choosing sugar free raspberry jello, homegrown blackberries, birds eye custard made with truvia and whipping cream with a bit of truvia in it. It was decorated with home grown kiwi fruit, that are ripening fast. Oh, forgot to mention the sherry, yes I added a small amount.
It really was the best trifle that I’ve ever made, and this our traditional dessert for Christmas. It was not low in calories but we had a large group to fed so portion size made up for this. Just want to make this clear, you can still enjoy some of your favourite foods without too much difficulty and they can still taste delicious! Don’t ask me to post the calories-the yield for this recipe was 12 servings.
Sugar Free Gluten Free Trifle